Udas Grun Exuxan
Exuxan Stackable Shelters
Mavic Set
Greetings Udas Exuxan
We are excited to introduce you to our latest product, Vinlorica (copyright protected).
Vinlorica is a nontoxic enamel preparation, created in our labs from our planet-famous cultivars, designed to preserve and protect pre-fab structures from elemental damage, aging, and intentional vandalism. This revolutionary protective coating not only adds YEARS to the life of any pre-fab structure, but also repels unwanted to insect pests, courtesy of a non-toxic additive (additional designer fee applies).
Best of all, Vinlorica not only retains its fresh-coat shine, but can be programmed to change color at the customer’s request (additional designer fee applies).
If you are interested in seeing a demonstration of our new product, I can send a company engineer to your office to apply a sample coat to one of your showroom models.
I understand that you intend to open your new community enclave in a reclaimed southern section of Mavic Set at the beginning of next month. If our product suits, I can easily have a special batch of Vinlorica prepared for you, which can be applied to all shelters in the new enclave, at a 25% discount, with a guaranteed 10% discount on all future orders.
Though we haven’t yet received approval from the Public Safety Oversight Committee, we are confident that by the beginning of next year, at the latest, we will have the sanction of the Corporation to market Vinlorica to manufacturers of cosmetics and comestibles.
Ordering now will put you ahead of our other customers in the production line, ensuring you priority in production runs. Beat the rush!
Dzo Zohvar Rapsid
Happy Garden Cultivars