Writing is hard work. You may be tempted at times to throw in the towel and say “it’s good enough”. But good enough isn’t great–and that’s what you need your novel to be if you want it to fire your readers. Of course, a time will come when your novel will be the BPP (best possible product) you can produce, but don’t let it out of your hands until you feel that deep down IN YOUR GUT. Two key pillars to ensure that your book is truly the best it can be are (1) accuracy and (2) completeness.
Accuracy: have you checked the facts in your fiction to be sure you haven’t made any embarrassing blunders?
Completeness: have you tied up all the loose ends? Does the boy get his girl? Is the villain sent packing, with a swift and satisfying kick in the arse?
Read your book through as a writer, an editor, and a reader. If it’s a mixed genre (dark fantasy/romance) story, review it once to make sure all the dark fantasy elements tie up nicely, then look at it strictly as a romance.
Your attention to detail will make a good story a great one!